Prepare in a Year 2025
Get your household ready for emergencies with this easy-to-follow monthly plan.
In 2025, the Bainbridge Prepares partnership is shaking things up. We’ve restructured our Prepare in a Year program with different categories to better reflect the specific needs of residents when it comes to preparing for emergencies. We invite Individuals and/or households to participate by completing monthly preparedness activities and earning the chance to win prizes.
The goal is to encourage participation in the program to make sure we are the most prepared community in the State of Washington.
Here are the monthly themes (click to see each month’s activity, documentation requirement, and prize):
January: Water
February: Food
March: Communication
April: First Aid & Medical
June: Getting Home or Away
July: Family Reunification
August: Pets & Livestock
September: Specific Disasters
October: Documents & Finances
November: Training & Education
December: Neighborhood & Community
December: End of Year (Complete Passport)
Here’s how it works:
1. Every month there is an activity for individuals and/or households to complete that corresponds with the monthly Prepare in a Year theme set by the Washington Department of Emergency Management.
2. Included with the activity will be instructions on how to document completion of the activity. Submit the documentation through an easy-to-use form, and you will be entered to win the monthly prize. You may submit for the current month or any 2024 month in the future. (At the end of the first Friday of each month, the previous month’s activity will no longer be available for submissions.)
3. Download a Prepare in a Year Passport below or pick one up at City Hall (starting in January). Mark each month you complete. Submit a photo of the completed passport (with at least 10 months of activities) at the end of the year (via the End-of-Year form) to be entered to win the Grand Prize.
4. Give your completed passport to your neighborhood captain at the end of the year. The neighborhood with the highest percentage of households with completed passports will win the Neighborhood Grand Prize.

Get a BONUS prize drawing entry!
With your monthly activity submission, include a photo or a screen shot of how you used social media and the hashtag #PrepareinaYear25 to share your activity completion, and you’ll get TWO entries in that month’s gift drawing!
Prepare in a Year 2025 Passport
Download your passport and get started Preparing in a Year.
The PDF is designed for printing on an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper. Fold it in half top to bottom. Then fold it in half left to right.