November: Training & Education

One of the best things you can do to prepare for emergencies is to learn key skills. The most obvious of these are CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed, and First Aid. But you also need to learn how to shut off your propane and water. Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher? Do you know about potential hazards in your own home? What about ham radio? It’s an important skill that can be essential in an emergency.


Let’s learn some stuff!

  1. Read here about household hazards.

  2. Sign up for Stop the Bleed, CPR/AED, Fire extinguisher training, ham radio, and/or first aid when these classes become available.

  3. Learn about fire extinguisher use here.

  4. Learn about utility safety here.


Submit the required documentation.


Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the November prize: A 4-ways utility key.

You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.