October: Documents & Finances
After a disaster, will you need to file an insurance claim? Will you need to apply for financial assistance? Will you need to find new housing? Will you need to get advanced medical care? All of these considerations will require quick and easy access to documents that could be inaccessible after a disaster or destroyed by it.
Time to get your papers in order!
Make copies of important documents. Read more here and here about the types of documents to consider.
Store them in a fire-safe container or store them on a thumb drive in a fire-safe container. Include the container with your go bag for evacuation.
Make sure to have cash in small bills saved for emergencies. When the power is out, most businesses will only be able to handle cash.
Review your insurance. Are you covered in the event of a large disaster? What kinds of disaster are covered?
Submit the required documentation.
Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the October prize: A fireproof, water-resistant DocSafe document bag with lock.
You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.