July: Family Reunification

If you are apart from your family when disaster strikes, you want to make sure you have a plan to get back together again. Do you have a meeting place? Have you identified other adults who can help keep your children safe if you are away? Are you familiar with the plan on Bainbridge for reuniting children who are at school?


This month, we’re getting the family back together!

  1. Identify a household meeting place near your home.

  2. Identify a meeting place in the downtown area in case you are away from home.

  3. Familiarize yourself with the Child Reunification Plan on Bainbridge. Read more here.

  4. Arrange with a few friends and neighbors to look out for one another’s children, pets, and homes in the event any of you are away from home when disaster strikes.


Submit the required documentation.


Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the July prize: A pair of rechargeable headlamps.

Two headlamps

You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.