January: Water

Making sure you have enough water for emergencies is your most important concern so it’s where we start our Prepare in a Year journey. You and everyone in your family including pets will need water to stay hydrated. You will need it for sanitation and hygiene.

When disaster strikes, you might lose power or pipes might be broken. Will you still be able to access water?

Think of the water sources around your home. Consider ponds, water heaters, toilet tanks, and rain barrels. Some of your available water supply may need to be treated to eliminate contamination. You will probably need to supplement your available water with an emergency supply of stored water.

Prepare in a Year 25 logo


This month’s activity is all about water.

  1. Identify all the potential water sources in your home. Which of these will need to be treated?

  2. Gather water treatment tools and supplies. Read more here.

  3. Make sure everyone in your home knows how to shut off the main water valve.

  4. Store a minimum of one gallon of water per person per day for three weeks (include pets). Number of people/pets) x 21 the estimated amount of gallons you have in available water supplies (water heater tank, toilet tank, pond, rain barrel) = number of gallons. How should you store water? Read more here.


Submit the required documentation.


Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the March prize: a LifeStraw Peak Series Personal Water Filter.

Lifestraw water filter

You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.