February: Food
Having a food supply helps ensure that, during a major disaster when stores are closed or run out of food, you can still feed your family. You want to think of nonperishable foods that have a long shelf life, foods that you will be able to prepare when the power’s out, and foods that your family likes and will eat. Don’t forget treats. Don’t forget to provide for pets and livestock in your supply.
Possible sources are canned foods, emergency dried-food kits, the eggs from your flock of chickens, and fruits and vegetables from your garden.
Be sure to store the food in a way that is safe from pests, water damage, and earthquake damage.
The task for February is to gather and store an emergency food supply.
Identify all the sources of food that exist in and around your home.
Calculate how much food you will need to feed everyone for 4 weeks.
Determine where and how you will store it safely.
Begin to gather extra food every time you go to the store or your local food bank to begin to build an emergency supply.
Fill out and submit the form.
Submit the required documentation.
Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the February prize: A 72-hour emergency food supply.
You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.