April: First Aid & Medical

When disaster strikes, medical responders may not be able to get to you for a while. You want to have basic life-saving medical supplies on hand and know how to use them. The first aid supplies you put together will be determined in part by your level of training.


There are two main tasks this month:

  1. Keep a first aid kit that reflects your training and skills. You can buy a ready-made kit from a reputable provider like MyMedic or Adventure Medical Kits or build your own using our gear list.

  2. Get some training. Be sure to take a CPR/AED class from the Bainbridge Island Fire Department and a Bainbridge Prepares Stop the Bleed class.


Submit the required documentation.


Your submission will be entered in a drawing to win the April prize: A waterproof mini first aid kit.

waterproof first aid kit

You may submit your documentation at any time up until the end of the first Friday of the following month. You may submit early for ensuing months. Remember to stamp your passport for each completed month.