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News, Readiness, Events Sarah Lane News, Readiness, Events Sarah Lane

Get Ready to Evacuate

The task for April is to prepare a go bag. This task involves gathering important items that you need to take with you when you have to leave quickly. But this is also a good time to prepare commuter and vehicle bags. A vehicle bag contains emergency supplies and stays in your vehicle. A commuter bag carries portable essentials and goes with you to school or to work.

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News, Readiness, Events Sarah Lane News, Readiness, Events Sarah Lane

Ready a Water Supply

The task for March is to create a water supply. This task involves storing an emergency water supply, protecting your existing water supply, gathering water treatment methods, and identifying backup water sources. Read more about water supplies here.

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News, Readiness Sarah Lane News, Readiness Sarah Lane

Beach Logs Kill

If you’ve visited anywhere along the Washington coast, you’ve seen the signs: Beach Logs Kill. Although people who aren’t from this area may understand the literal meaning of the words, they don’t really get it until they see it—or until someone explains it to them.

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