Recent News
What’s in That Compost? Veg Club for March Will Show You
Not all compost is the same. Yes, compost is key to a thriving garden, but you’ve got to make sure it’s the right compost for your garden.
Check out These Pro Tips for Emergency Food Storage & Use
Storing a large supply of food can be challenging. It requires spending money, making decisions, anticipating food needs, checking for expiration, and restocking. It’s not a one-and-done event.
Meet the New Leads of Our Food Resilience Team
The dynamic duo of Carol Appenzeller and John Fossett get energized by food—not necessarily in the eating of it, although that’s probably true as well. But they get energized by thinking about, talking about, and teaching how to make it grow.
Veg Club Returns!
The super-popular Veg Club is now part of Bainbridge Prepares, managed by the Food Resilience Team. The first session of 2025 happens Tuesday, February 4.
Veg Club Tour of Fruit This Evening
Grow tree fruit in your yard, whether large or small. Learn how in Darren Murphy’s incredible fruit garden. The head of Bainbridge Island Fruit Club, Darren grows many dozens of fruits, including berries, grapes, and multi-grafted tree-fruits, in his small suburban garden on Bainbridge Island.
Climate Change & Your Garden
New to Veg Club this year is a special session on climate change and the ways it will challenge and change our gardens and orchards. How can we prepare them to thrive? Learn what’s expected for our area, including future crop prediction tools, local resources, and methods to help your garden and orchard adapt to our new conditions.
Talking About Winter Gardening in July
It’s not too big of a stretch to think about winter in Juneuary, but in July . . . ? But now is exactly the right time to start thinking about your fall and winter crops.
What’s That in Your Garden? June Veg Club Reveals the Answer
The Northwest is a great place to grow food, especially if you know what to do about our region’s pests and diseases. Arm yourself to recognize and thwart them at the June 4 Veg Club session.
Your Soil Is Leading a Secret Life: May Veg Club
A healthy soil ecosystem can be the difference between an ok garden and a thriving one. In the Veg Club May 7 session learn why and how to support soil life easily to make your garden happier and more resilient.
This Tuesday Build an Army of Predatory Insects to Control Pests
In our April session, meet (virtually) the many beautiful, friendly, and powerful insects that protect our gardens from pests. Learn to support these often unseen and unappreciated allies so they're ready to go to work when pests arrive. It’s easier and more fun than you might think. Everyone everywhere at all levels of experience is welcome.
Watch Veg Club March 2024 Class
The March 2024 session of Veg Club—Want to grow food better, earlier, and longer?—is now available online.
Want Veggies? Grow Better!
Want to grow food better, earlier, and longer?
In our March 5th Veg Club session, you’ll learn how to get weeks of more food from your garden with three succession planting strategies as well as how to protect early season plants, make heat lovers more productive, and extend your harvest season with unusually easy-to-make, easy-to-move protection.
Veg Club Returns Feb. 6: Get Ready for a New Year of Fresh Food
The popular Veg Club returns for its 2024 season on February 6 with a class on achieving the best start for your garden. Learn how to choose the best site and bed type, where to get local amendments, and all about local community gardens so you can have a garden even if you have no space. You’ll also get Northwest-adapted seed sources and precise, region-specific planting calendars.
“If You Can’t Grow Food in Your Community, You Are Not Prepared”
John Fossett, the adult services librarian at the Bainbridge Public Library, once attended a virtual preparedness summit at which a woman said, “If you can’t grow food in your community, you are not prepared.”