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Check for Home Hazards
December is a good time to review everything you’ve done on this 12-month journey to prepare—and feel good about all that hard work. It’s also the time to make sure you haven’t missed anything. Examine any possible hazards: water heater, furniture and appliances, toxic chemicals, and exterior hazards.
Shelter in Place
The task for November is to prepare for sheltering in place. Sheltering in place is not something we have much reason to do in western Washington. But when we do, it is of utmost importance to do it right. Almost always, the occasion will be a chemical, biological, or radiological event.
Prepare for Earthquakes
The task for October is to prepare for earthquakes by gathering supplies, readying your household, and practicing what to do when the shaking starts.
Stash Under-the-Bed Supplies
The task for September is to stash your under-the-bed supplies. Under-the-bed supplies are those items you can reach for when you’ve been awakened by a crisis, such as an earthquake.
Get Utility Safe
The task for August is to get utility safe. Utility safety largely consists of familiarizing yourself with the turnoff valves for gas, water, and electricity and making sure your gas systems and electrical systems are safe.
Get Fire Safe
The task for July is to get fire safe. When talking about fire, we are referring to fire prevention, preparation, and swift and appropriate response.
Get 3 Weeks Ready
The task for June is to get 3 weeks ready. In the event of a large-scale emergency, Bainbridge Islanders are likely to be isolated for at least three weeks. The bridge might be down and the ferry might be out of service.
Gather Important Documents
The task for May is to gather important documents. The idea is to make sure you have these documents ready if you need to evacuate. During a disaster is not the time to try to think through the paperwork you will need. Such considerations will require quick and easy access to documents that could be inaccessible after a disaster or destroyed by it.
Preparing for Climate-Related Disasters at Home
This month, the Prepare-in-a-Year task is to create an action plan. So we’re highlighting the connection between climate change and the disasters we’re likely to face at home and focusing on the need to create an action plan that is climate smart.