Bainbridge Prepares

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Volunteer 24 for 24

Helpline House, Island Volunteer Caregivers, and Bainbridge Prepares have partnered for 24 for 24, a community-wide effort to increase volunteering on the island. The partners ask everyone who can to give 24 hours to whatever cause they choose in 2024.

Bainbridge Prepares, as you likely already know, is an educational and ​emergency response nonprofit with the goal of ​making our region the most resilient community in ​Washington State. Our more than 700 volunteers give their time to one or more of our 20+ teams ranging from the M​edical Reserve Corps and Child Safety team to the Flotilla and the Disaster Hubs team. Read more here.

Since 1997, Island Volunteer Caregivers has been ​connecting neighbors facing challenges related to ​aging, disability, or adversity with volunteers and ​resources to support independent and fulfilling lives. IVC volunteers assist with errands, give rides to appointments, and provide companionship. ​

Helpline House provides critical social ​services through a variety of programs ​including children services, senior services, financial ​assistance, and a food bank. The agency's programs ​help more than 2,500 people every year. Volunteers work at the food bank in one of three shifts (morning, midday, and afternoon) greeting customers,​stocking shelves, organizing, and cleaning.