Prepare in a Year 2025: Store 4 Weeks of Water
Have you accomplished your Prepare in a Year task for January? This is a reminder that you still have a few more days to get it done.
It’s a simple task, but it does require some muscle, since water is heavy, and some space, since water takes up room.
The task is to store enough water for each person and animal in your household for a month. You need a minimum of 1 gallon per person per day for 30 days. (Alter the estimate for animals, depending on their size.)
The best way to store water is in 5-gallon opaque tanks. If you treat the water with Aquamira Chlorine Dioxide drops and seal the tanks properly, the supply will last five years. Bay Hay and Feed sells the tanks with the water treatment solution.
Store the tanks in a cool, dry place, off the ground and away from rodents. Make sure your supply won’t fall and be damaged in an earthquake.
If you’re short on space, work with neighbors to store a communal supply in a place accessible to all of you. You can invest in larger tanks as well.
Want to win prizes? Visit the Prepare in a Year page for January to find out how.