BP Puts Its Arms Around Bainbridge

The annual Arms Around Bainbridge island-circumnavigation fundraising swim happened Saturday, August 10, clockwise. Four Bainbridge Prepares teams provided support for the event: the Medical Reserve Corps, the Bainbridge Emergency Auxiliary Radio Service (BEARS), the Flotilla, and BIGWEELS.

Arms Around Bainbridge is a crisis support system for individuals living on Bainbridge Island who are struggling financially as a result of major illness.

Kayakers and paddle boarders escorted the swimmers who entered and left the water to swim their leg(s) at access/exit points designated every 1 to 4 miles. Boats also accompanied the rally to provide additional safety.

The 30-mile swim started and ended in Blakely Harbor. The swim began at 4 a.m. and concluded at 7:55 p.m.

Photos by Loren Bast, Neal McConnell, Kyra Perrigo, Pete Saloutos, and Kari Wetzler.


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