Recent News
Prepare in a Year 2025: Make a Communications Plan
Our Prepare in a Year program helps you get ready for disasters, like large-scale earthquakes that isolate us from outside help for weeks or longer. By tackling one simple task per month, you can get your household in good shape by the end of a year.
Who Loves You, Baby?
No one loves you better than Bainbridge Prepares. Think about it. When you call, we come running. It’s not even our job—we just do it because we think you’re amazing.
Hubs Demo Gives Islanders a Peek at Disaster
Scores of curious Islanders visited the Disaster Hubs Demo at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 15, despite the Juneuary 13-degrees-in-one-hour temperature drop and hail storm. Visitors were greeted by friendly Bainbridge Prepares volunteers who provided a map of the hub’s layout while seated before two white boards that, during a disaster, would be updated with the latest information from the City.
Get a Disaster Hubs Experience—Without the Disaster—June 15
You’ve heard about the 14 disaster hubs located around the island—the centers where you will go for information and medical care after a large-scale disaster. But what will they be like? What specifically will they offer you?