Make Your New Year’s Resolution to Prepare for Emergencies

Preparing for emergencies is not about fear. To the contrary, it’s a reflection of a healthy attitude of resilience. When you prepare for emergencies, you show your children, family, friends, and neighbors that you’re not in denial and that, reassuringly, you are taking care of things.

It also doesn’t need to be difficult. By following our Prepare in a Year program, you can get your household in good shape within a year. Each month focuses on a different topic, and we tell you exactly what manageable topic-related tasks you need to accomplish within the month.

And it can be fun. We reward your resilience by entering your name in a drawing for a topic-related prize. All you have to do to be entered is submit the worksheet for the month that documents your efforts. If you want to have a lot of fun, complete the Prepare in a Year 25 passport each month. Submit it by the end of the year to be entered to win our Grand Prize.

That’s it. Ready to get started? Click here to visit our Prepare in a Year 25 page, which explains everything you need to do and takes you to each monthly activity. Getting prepared for emergencies is a New Year’s resolution you can actually achieve, and the benefits are great: Be a role model in your community, take charge, sleep better knowing you’ve done the right thing, and have fun!


A Radon-Free 2025 Starts with Free Testing Kits


It’s Nearly Time for Prepare in a Year 25