Bainbridge Prepares

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Play Bainbridge Prepares—True or False

We’re going to take a moment here to play a True/False game. The goal is to dispel some very commonly held beliefs about Bainbridge Prepares and to share some actual facts about our organization.

Score yourself one point for each correct answer.

Ready? Begin!

Loren Bast


  • If you scored only 1-2 points, congratulate yourself on your new education.

  • If you scored between 3 and 5 points, here is a small pat on the back for your community savvy.

  • If you scored 6 or above, you should join our team of volunteers!

Seriously, if you didn’t do so well in our little True-False game, don’t feel bad. A lot of people don’t know these facts about Bainbridge Prepares. Here is something else to learn about BP: We have four major goals for 2024, and they all rely on your financial support.

  1. Fully fund and equip our Child Reunification Center where we will keep children separated from their families during a major disaster safe until they can be reunified.  

  2. Complete the build-out of our Disaster Hubs, one of which is within walking distance of every resident, so that every Hub is equipped with an emergency radio kit, adequate medical supplies, nonperishable food and water, and other essentials.

  3. Strengthen connections with nonprofit partners like the Bainbridge Island Senior Center and Island Volunteer Caregivers so that vulnerable residents are prepared and resilient during a disaster.

  4. Build critical organizational infrastructure (including paid staff) that will allow us to remain a sustainable nonprofit organization for decades to come.

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