Calling Young People for Emergency Preparedness: Join the YPC

YPCThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) created the Youth Preparedness Council (YPC) in 2012 to help involve young people in disaster prep. Members meet regularly with FEMA staff to provide feedback and input, participate in programs to develop leadership skills, and engage in preparedness projects, and they are invited to attend the annual YPC virtual summit in Washington, D.C.Applicants must be in 8th through 11th grade and must have

  • participated in community activities,
  • served in a leadership role,
  • lived through a disaster and shared their experiences, and/or
  • participated in a preparedness activity or training related to emergency preparedness.

Selected participants are expected to

  • attend the YPC Summit,
  • serve for one year on the YPC,
  • meet in small groups to discuss their work and/or to attend “office hours” with FEMA staff, and
  • submit monthly activity logs that include information about progress made over the past month,  challenges that have arisen, and participation in community activities.

The YPC year begins in July. The application period for membership begins on January 23. To apply, click here.Youth are also invited to attend virtual information sessions:

Download an information doc here.


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