Bainbridge Prepares

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Supporting Our Community's Mental Health and Wellness in a Disaster

Mental HealthWhat's Up Bainbridge podcast host Bob Ross sat down with Bainbridge Prepares Wellness Team leads Colleen Huck and Susan James and Psychological First Aid team lead Mary O'Leary to talk about disasters and how they can affect our mental health and wellness.In the podcast, the three team leads talk about what support the two teams will offer the community in an emergency. They also discuss how to volunteer for the teams and earn the necessary certifications.Ross asks them about Map Your Neighborhood and the Island's Disaster Hubs. Huck, James, and O'Leary also talked about how the resources gathered by the teams and listed on their webpages are useful at all times, not just during a disaster.To listen to the podcast, click here. Read more about PFA here. Read more about Wellness here.