BCB Podcast "What's Up Bainbridge" Begins 7-Part Series on Bainbridge Prepares

This week, the "What's Up Bainbridge" podcast from Bainbridge Community Broadcasting (BCB), a service from our friends at BARN, launched the first in a 7-part podcast series focused on Bainbridge Prepares.

Listen here to host Bob Ross speak with Bainbridge Prepares founder and board chair, Scott James along with team leads Alice Ostdiek and Phil Fergusson about Disaster Hubs, what they are, and the very significant role they play in the emergency response team environment. They also explain how you can find the Hub closest to your home, as well as the important Map Your Neighborhood program and its relationship to Disaster Hubs.

The purpose of this podcast series is to provide listeners with a better understanding of who we are, what we do, how Bainbridge Prepares operates within the community and alongside our partner organizations at COBI, BIFD, and beyond. Each new episode in the series will focus on a different Bainbridge Prepares team, its function within the larger organization, and how all the different pieces come together to better strengthen and prepare our community.

While COVID shined a bright light on Bainbridge Prepares and what a non-profit, volunteer-led organization is capable of accomplishing with respect to pandemic response, the organization is much more broad than many Islanders realize. The "What's Up Bainbridge" series will unpack the organization and describe in detail how many of our important teams operate with very specific objectives that together all support the common goal of community resilience.

Be sure to look for this important series every other Thursday. To subscribe to BCB podcasts, go to https://www.bestofbcb.org/subscribe/.


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