In honor of Glen Nakata

It was with great sorrow when we learned that Glen Nakata passed away last month. Glen was one of our friendliest and happiest volunteers - if you attended any of our vaccine clinics at Woodward or Commodore schools in the spring or fall, he may have given you a ride in his golf cart to your car or warmly greeted you as you walked up to the clinic.Town and Country Market, which is operated by the Nakata family, is honoring Glen tomorrow (Thursday, January 6, 2022) and encouraging their employees and customers to pay tribute to Glen by wearing purple and gold, the colors of the University of Washington, Glen's alma mater.Glen will be sorely missed, and our condolences go out to the Nakata family.


Thank you Bainbridge Community Foundation!


Bainbridge Winter (Stay off the Roads) Wonderland