Bainbridge Prepares–Parks Partnership Featured on BCB Podcast

BI Parks logoThe latest Bainbridge Community Broadcasting's The Voices of Bainbridge Island podcast focused on the Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District's (BIMPRD) partnership with Bainbridge Prepares (BP). Host Bob Ross interviewed Dawn Janow, Chairperson of the Park Board of Commissioners, and Scott James, BP's founder.The BIMPRD–BP partnership ensures the availability of disaster hubs around the island, many of which are located on park property. In the event of a large-scale disaster, such as a major earthquake, Islanders will be able to access a nearby disaster hub for information and interim medical support, among other offerings. BP is currently stocking the existing hubs with medical supplies and communication equipment.The partnership is also instrumental in BP's child reunification strategy. In fact, a parks representative serves on BP's child reunification team. James explained that the team has created a color-coded flag system to guide parents or grandparents looking for their children after a major disaster, such as a major earthquake that happens during school hours. It uses visual imagery so that it can be understood by all people, regardless of their primary language. BIMPRD has already implemented the system for non-disaster use—it's the system they use for child pickup at BIMPRD camps. This way, in a disaster, parents and children will already be familiar with how it works.During the interview, a caller expressed unfamiliarity with BP's disaster response plan. James explained that the caller—and anyone else wanting to know more—can simply visit the BP website and watch the introductory video, which James joked says something along the lines of "So glad you're here and, by the way, did you know that you live in an earthquake zone?"Listen to the podcast here.


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