Take Precautions During Big Heat Wave Late This Week

Heat-impacts map

The National Weather Service is predicting high, unsafe temperatures in our region with moderate risk of heat-related impacts for later in the week and major risk for Saturday.

The Washington State Department of Health is urging people to take precautions to prevent illness and loss of life:

  • Take frequent breaks when working outdoors. Wear wide-brimmed hats and light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Protect your skin from sunburn. 

  • If you notice symptoms of heat illness  (dizziness, nausea, headaches, muscle cramps), immediately move to a cooler location. Seek medical attention right away if you do not feel better.  

  • Keep your home cool by closing windows and shades during daylight hours. Use heat-based appliances less to keep temperatures cooler inside. 

  • Check on your friends, family, and neighbors.  Assist those who are vulnerable, elderly, ill, or otherwise at higher risk. It is especially important to check on them before bedtime when heat is highest.

  • Keep pets safe. Make sure they have protection from heat. Walk them on grass instead of asphalt. Do not leave people or pets in a parked vehicle. 

  • Watch out for extreme temperature differences between air and water. Cold water combined with hot body temperatures can cause hypothermia. Jumping into cold water can lead to gasping or hyperventilation, which can result in drowning.


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