How to Access BP Stories (and Not Miss Time-Sensitive Info.)

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We are surrounded by information, swirling around and often crashing into us daily. How do you sift through it to find what is most relevant to you? One way, of course, is to rely on a trusted source, like Bainbridge Prepares.

We post information often multiple times in a week, as soon as we hear about it. So how do you make sure not to miss the most important news?

This guide should help you keep up on stories or time-sensitive news about events:

  1. Follow our social media accounts. Every time we post a story, it also appears on our Facebook and Instagram pages. When we publish a video it shows up on our YouTube channel.

  2. If you already have a feed reader, then use it to access our feed daily, weekly, or monthly—depending on the preferences you set up. Our feed is

  3. Alternatively, subscribe to BP updates using the form in the footer of every page of our website. When you access our feed this way, you get our automatic article updates regularly emailed to your address. NOTE: We had our auto updates set to weekly (Sunday at 3 p.m.) so as not to overwhelm readers with emails. But after our last update that automatically included the reposts of news published earlier, some readers who don’t follow our social media were upset to have missed events that had already happened. As a result, we have decided to increase the frequency of automatic email updates from weekly to daily. That means that, whenever we post a new story, you’ll get a notification at 3:00 p.m. that day. If that’s too often for you, see #2 above. (Unsubscribe and then just access our news through your own news aggregator.)

  4. If you’ve subscribed (see #3 above), you’re also going to get our once-monthly newsletter, The Ready Wrap-Up. This contains summaries of stories that are still relevant or timely, plus additional information and thoughts from our Executive Director Loren Bast.

  5. Check our website daily or whenever you want! Visit our news page for the latest.


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