Emergency Management Coordinator and BP Founder Present to Council

Anne LeSage

Tuesday, September 20, Anne LeSage, who is the City's Emergency Management Coordinator, and Scott James, Founder of Bainbridge Prepares, addressed the City Council on two emergency prep issues: implications of the latest U.S. Geological Survey tsunami simulation and updates on Bainbridge Prepares.

Tsunami ReadyIn light of the tsunami simulation (read more here), LeSage reviewed with the Council the City's efforts to get Bainbridge designated Tsunami Ready by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration/National Weather Service. She hopes that meeting the NOAA/NWS requirements will result in Bainbridge becoming the first inner-coastal city in Washington State to receive this designation.Those requirements include creating Island-specific maps of tsunami hazard zones, evacuation routes, and assembly areas; installing appropriate signage; providing ongoing tsunami public education; conducting community exercises focused on tsunami response; adding tsunami hazards to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP); and having redundant means for 24-hour warning and dissemination for tsunami watch, advisory, and warning alerts.Bainbridge Prepares

Because September is Emergency Preparedness Month, James shared updates on the Bainbridge Prepares partnership, BP's COVID response and ongoing support efforts (vaccine clinics), and what’s next for Bainbridge Prepares as a nonprofit.
Watch the presentations here.
Featured image shows LeSage addressing Council.

Visit City Hall Tomorrow, Saturday, for Day of Preparedness


"What's Up Bainbridge" Podcast Series Features Medical and Civilian Response Teams