When You Don't Have a Thermometer


We've been receiving requests through our Recovers site asking for thermometers. While we are doing what we can to provide them, we thought we'd give these tips out in the meantime.

Tip #1 - You May Have One "Hidden." Find it.

We've found that, often, people may have a thermometer in a place they didn't think to look:

  • First aid kits, including those in your car
  • Kitchen drawer: use a meat thermometer
  • Baby care packages (baby thermometers)

Tip #2 - Replace the Battery on a Dead One

Sometimes an old thermometer just needs a new battery. Many operate on common watch batteries that can be sourced at grocery stores, at pharmacies, or online.

Tip #3 - Check Temperature Without One

Here are some good suggestions on how you can check body temp if you simply can't find one.

Bonus Tip: Calibrate Your Thermometer When You Get It

This advice may or may not be practical based on the thermometer you acquire.

Image by shop8447 is licensed under CC0 1.0 


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