3 Days of Preparedness - dates and film tickets

The schedule for the 4th annual 3 Days of Preparedness has been announced!We begin on Wednesday, September 26, with two showings of The Geologic Formation of Bainbridge Island, produced by Cameron Snow.  Over three distinct parts, the film begins by showcasing the geologic history of Bainbridge Island and the Puget Sound region; next, it addresses the impact that seismic activity and faults have had on the region recently. Last, it researches historic glacial activity and its affect on our aquifers.  The showings conclude with a question and answer period with Gregory Geehan, geologist and narrator of the film.Reserve your tickets to the showings now![embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7JPfCLCOz8[/embed]Next, on Saturday September 29 we have the Expo, where you can get information and attend workshops to learn how you can prepare at home, work and on your commute. You can also ride the “Big Shaker”, a mobile earthquake simulator, to see what can happen inside your home during an earthquake.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm62QPoSmNI[/embed]We conclude on Sunday September 30 with an emergency hub tour at Island Church. There,  you can learn more about our system of neighborhood gathering sites for emergencies.We hope to see you at one or more of these events!  


Day Two of Three Days of Preparedness

