Bainbridge Prepares

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Time for a Family Discussion About the Child Reunification Center

More than 5,000 kids attend school, day care, or other programs on Bainbridge. On any given day, a good percentage of the parents/caretakers of those children may be working off island. What happens if on a school day a disaster occurs that shuts down the bridge and ferry system?

That’s where the Bainbridge Prepares Child Reunification Team (CRT) steps up. The CRT has developed what is known as the Child Reunification Center (CRC), a popup hub at the Bainbridge High School where children will be kept safe, warm, fed, and occupied until they can be reunited with their families.

When disaster strikes, parents are encouraged to pick up their children from school or extracurricular programs within 24 hours. Within 48 hours of the disaster event, people are encouraged to pick up friends’ and neighbors’ kids and keep them safe. After 49 hours, remaining children will be transported to the CRC in the 200 building of BHS.

At the CRC, children can receive interim medical care provided by our Medical Reserve Corps, psychological first aid provided by our PFA team, and meals and care provided by the CRT, all members of which have gone through background checks and training.

Before a disaster event, the CRT spends its efforts preparing the community by helping families develop reunification plans and schools generate emergency procedures.

The CRT recommends that families take three preparatory steps: build an emergency kit for each of kid, create a family reunification plan, designate a backup pickup person/persons.

Build a Kid Emergency Kit

Provide your child with an emergency kit to keep at school. The kit, packed in a gallon-sized zip bag, should include

  • Water (emergency water pouches)

  • Protein snacks or granola bars (be mindful of food allergies)

  • Small first aid kit

  • Emergency blanket

  • Small flashlight

  • Surgical Mask/KN95/N95

  • Extra health-related items your child uses

  • Hard candies for comfort & energy

  • Comfort item

  • Chapstick and antibacterial hand sanitizer

  • Wipes

  • Family reunification card (with contact info) and family photo (this helps with family identification and reunification)

Create a Family Reunification Plan

Have a family meeting in which you ask your child(ren) where they think your meeting spot should be if you had to leave your home during a disaster.

Draw a birds’ eye view of your home and mark all the exits and your meeting spot.

Make a list of who your child(ren) should call if you are unavailable.

Complete the Emergency Reunification Plan and make sure everyone in the family (who can read!) has a copy.

Designate a Backup Pickup Person(s)

In the event of a disaster that keeps you from picking up your children at school or from after-school programs, you want to select a trusted person(s) who will pick up and keep the kids safe until you can get to them. That person should be someone who lives close to your home or to the school.

When filling out emergency contact information with the school, make sure your designated backup person is included on all necessary school documents.