Bainbridge Prepares

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Ready? Set? Go! Prepare in a Year 2024

The Bainbridge Prepares partnership is excited to announce Prepare in a Year 2024, a year-long participatory event for the entire community.

Our goal is to get as many islanders as possible prepared in 2024 for emergencies. We’re inviting all Bainbridge Island households (whether they live in homes, apartments, condos, ADUs, etc.) to participate by doing simple monthly activities, submitting proof of their participation, and earning a chance to win a prize each month. At the end of the year, any household that has completed at least 10 of the 12 months of activities will be entered to win the Grand Prize.

The household activities range from making a communications plan with your family to getting 3 weeks ready to checking your home for hazards. Documentation is simple: Each month you will complete a form by answering easy questions and/or submitting a photo. Your submission will enter you in a drawing for the monthly prize.

You can complete any month’s activity at any time up until the end of day of the first Friday of the subsequent month. So if you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you could complete activities for all 12 months in January, and your submissions will then be entered in all 12 months’ drawings.

The winning neighborhood will be the one that has the highest Prepare in a Year 2024 participation of its member households. To qualify, complete 10 of the 12 household activities by December 31, 2024, and give your completed passport to your neighborhood captain.