Bainbridge Prepares

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Hubs Demo Gives Islanders a Peek at Disaster

Scores of curious Islanders visited the Disaster Hubs Demo at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 15, despite the Juneuary 13-degrees-in-one-hour temperature drop and hail storm. Visitors were greeted by friendly Bainbridge Prepares volunteers who provided a map of the hub’s layout while seated before two white boards that, during a disaster, would be updated with the latest information from the City.

On Saturday, the hub was set up and staffed just as it would be during an actual disaster. The sprawling church complex was divided into medical triage, a community care center offering shelter and neighborhood resources, an incident command center, a table where volunteers could register for their shifts, a communications room, a child reunification center, a logistics and supplies wing, and a medical treatment area. Visitors were able to ask questions of the volunteers staffing each section.

Disaster Hub Services

In the event of a disaster, people within walking distance of the hub would go there to get official information updates from the City Emergency Operations Center, advanced first aid, and, if needed, transportation to more definitive care. In addition, people displaced from their homes or unable to access their emergency supplies would be able to get food, water, and shelter at the hub. The hub would also serve as a distribution center for neighborhood resources and donated goods.

At their local hubs, people will be able to receive basic medical care and psychological first aid. These services include

  • stabilizing of life threats and transportation to the Disaster Medical Center;

  • non-urgent care followed by discharge back to the community;

  • first aid for musculoskeletal injuries;

  • treatment of environmental injuries (hypothermia, heat exhaustion, mild burns, dehydration, muscle cramps);

  • treatment of bug bites, stings, cuts, scratches, and abrasions; and

  • support for post-disaster psychological concerns.

The hubs will not offer imaging services, controlled substances, IV fluids, surgery, or prescription refills.

Hub Activation

Expect the hubs to be set up and staffed during a major earthquake, such as on the Seattle Fault or in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, or during other large-scale emergencies such as wildfires, landslides, flooding, severe weather events, or ferry emergencies.

Currently, there are 14 disaster hubs located throughout the island (see map). During a disaster, the Child Reunification Center will also open at Bainbridge High School, and the Disaster Medical Center will open at Virginia Medical Center.

How Can You Prepare?

The hubs will be there to help you. But you also need to do your part to prepare for emergencies: