Bainbridge Prepares

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Celebrating Our 700 Volunteers

Volunteer Than k You AdYesterday, April 11, Bainbridge Mayor Brenda Fantroy-Johnson issued a proclamation declaring next week, April 16–23, National Volunteer Week on  Bainbridge Island. The proclamation said that the individuals, groups, and government that form our community "are at the center of our social life" and "can inspire, equip, and mobilize others to take action that changes the world." The proclamation also recognized that "government alone cannot solve all of our social problems" and that "our Island's volunteer force is a great treasure."Don't we know it! Our 700 Bainbridge Prepares volunteers support the island community in so many ways, ensuring interim medical care during a disaster, helping neighbors get out of snowed-in driveways in the winter, and reuniting families or reuniting animals with their humans after an emergency. They provide language interpretation, psychological first aid, staffing at emergency hubs, first aid at community events, and water transportation for city staff and separated families when the bridge and ferries are down. They connect islanders with the rest of the world via radio in an emergency, and they staff vaccination and testing clinics. They spend many hours training and stocking supplies and attending meetings.All that hard work is quality work too. You know we’re doing good work because in 2022 we were named National Emergency Management Voluntary Organization of the Year by the International Association of Emergency Managers. In 2021, the Bainbridge Community Foundation awarded us its Humanitarian Award.Our volunteers are the best and we appreciate every second of their time that they give so willingly.