Bainbridge Prepares

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Stuck in the Snow? BIGWEELS Is Here to Help

truck in snowThe National Weather Service reports that we may get a total accumulation of 2 to 4 inches of snow before noon in our area. Because the temperatures are expected to stay below about 33 degrees, the snow may stick around for a bit, and people may need help getting out of their driveways or getting to important destinations. The BIGWEELS team is on standby to help.What is BIGWEELS, you ask? The acronym stands for Bainbridge Islanders Getting Workers Everywhere in Emergencies and Lots of Snow, which is an accurate description of what the team does. The team consists of about 30 volunteers who are comfortable driving in the snow. The main service they provide is short rides to doctor appointments or the ferry, for example, or helping with deliveries (of food or medicines). In addition, if you need to brave the roads and end up getting stuck, team volunteers will try to get you unstuck.If you or someone you know needs help, direct them to this Google form. When the form is submitted, one of the team dispatchers will find a volunteer to help.BIGWEELS originally started out as a way to help City staff, firefighters, EMS workers, and other essential workers get to work and back home if they couldn't drive themselves. But the team opened up the service to the general public because they received so many pleas for help. The team prioritizes requests for food or prescription pickups or transportation to doctor appointments or essential jobs. But, if you have a need, make a request and the team will try to help. BIGWEELS help request: Submit the form or call 206-659-6946 and leave a voicemail.COBI staff will be plowing the roads, but they follow a priority list. View the plow map here.