Bainbridge Prepares

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"What's Up Bainbridge" Podcast Series Features Medical and Civilian Response Teams

For the final piece of the What's Up Bainbridge six-part podcast series about Bainbridge Prepares, host Bob Ross interviewed a number of the organization's leads charged with disaster response medical programs and teams.Joining Bob were Executive Director for Bainbridge Prepares, Loren Bast; Bainbridge Island Emergency Medical Responder (BIEMR) lead, Roxanne Corff; Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) lead, Dr. Andrea Chymiy; and Civilian Emergency Response Team (CERT) lead, Victor Cheng.The BIEMR, MRC, and CERT teams are among the largest in the organization, with the MRC team in particular having swelled from about 30 members at the beginning of the pandemic to 239 volunteers today. While the MRC team is comprised of trained medical professionals, the BIEMR and CERT teams are largely made up of regular islanders, albeit folks who commit to dozens of hours of training. Bottom line: we have many opportunities to volunteer in medical and emergency response areas and many of you have already answered the call.The 21-minute recording can be found here: more information about Bainbridge Prepares teams, including BIEMRs, MRC, and CERT, visit the Our Teams tab at the top of the page.