Bainbridge Prepares

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Great Balls of Kitsap Giving! Remember Bainbridge Prepares Today

Kitsap Great GiveToday, April 20, 2021, is Kitsap Great Give, a single day for supporting the nonprofits and organizations that support our communities every day of the year. Starting at midnight and for 24 hours straight, the Kitsap Great Give website will accept donations online. Gifts given on April 20 may be amplified through an additional percentage of bonus pool funds.Please help support the important work Bainbridge Prepares does to keep our community prepared and resilient by remembering us when you make your donation. You can support us here.

Last year, Kitsap Great Give raised over $2 million in donations for Kitsap nonprofits.

Rest assured: Kitsap Great Give promises that all gifts are safe and secure. The online platform does not store credit card information in its database. In addition, Kitsap Community Foundation will never share your contact or other private information with anyone or any organization other than an organization that you have donated to through Kitsap Great Give.Thank you for your support of our mission to make our island community more resilient to disasters and crises.Here is that link again: