Moulages-That-Scare-2000x1200WARNING: This post on moulages that scare is not for the faint of stomach. Look away if you quease with ease.The eve of Halloween is the perfect time to admire these six amazing and frightful examples of moulage, which is the term for the art of applying makeup and prosthetics to simulate injuries. Moulage is something we use often for BIEMR drills, and some practitioners elevate moulage to a high art.

Example 1: Exposed Tibia

moulages that scareThis lovely leg exposure comes to us from PlaceboFX as shared by Omega Responders.

Example 2: Open Fracture

moulages that scareSergeant Steven Kowalski of the New York Port Authority P.D. is a moulage magician. Ogle his work for an aircraft disaster training drill at LaGuardia.

Example 3: Torso Wound

IMG_4003-300x225The simulated gunshot(?) wound and blood spatter on this man’s shoulder and shirt were created for Boston’s Urban Shield Exercise,which is a 24-hour annual event for first responders.

Example 4: Gunshot Wound

moulages that scareYou’ve got to applaud the nice trail of blood on the asphalt from this “victim” at a Pomona Police active shooter training drill at Fairplex in Pomona, CA, in April. Quick! Apply a tourniquet, high and tight.

Example 5: Open Compound Fracture

moulages that scareA 2017 Community Emergency Response Team earthquake drill in Kirkland produced this perfect compound fracture. They even tore the “victim’s” jeans.

Example 6: Face Stabbing

moulages that scareI guess this is why you don’t run with scissors. Alan Lott uploaded this gruesome makeup work to the Makeup SFX/Display/ComicCon Pinterest page.Enjoy these moulages that scare? Share your own images in the comments. Want to read more about BIEMR’s own moulage-filled drill? Interested in trying your own hand at moulage? Join us December 15 for Moulage Mayhem.Photos courtesy of PlaceboFX;; REUTERS/Gary He (UNITED STATES – Tags: TRANSPORT DISASTER); Jennifer Cappuccio Maher, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin/SCNG; Megan Campbell of the Kirkland Reporter;  and Alan Lott. Featured image courtesy of Vancouver Film School.