Bainbridge Prepares

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Day Three of Three Days of Preparedness: Hub Demo

HubDemo.jpgThe BIEMRs responded for an “emergency” at the Three Days of Preparedness Hub Demo this past Sunday, September 30, at Island Church. The event provided the community with a chance to stop by an actual hub and ask questions of the actual people who will be staffing it. The event gave volunteers another chance to practice hub setup.The BIEMRs set up the medical room in the church apse, per Standard Operating Procedures outlined in the hub binder. We posted a triage table at the door, set up our whiteboard for tracking patients, and posted signage marking the room and the two treatment areas: one for patients in immediate need (red) and one for the “walking wounded” (green) to wait until the more serious cases are handled.We even enjoyed the help of two “victims,” teen volunteers Molly and Lucy, who sported various injuries, from lacerations to amputations.Visiting community members wanted to know about the level of training and equipment we have. They had questions about the emergency response process, with response moving from neighborhoods to hubs to more definitive care. And a number of visitors expressed interest in the upcoming COBI-sponsored WFR training happening this month. Read more about that here.All in all, several dozen people stopped by for the hub demo.