Bainbridge Prepares

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Day Two of Three Days of Preparedness

42789820_10156981313870663_3910231165075718144_n-e1538268534510The Bainbridge Island Emergency Medical Responders answered many questions  today, September 29, at the City- and Bainbridge Prepares-sponsored Three Days of Preparedness Expo held at City Hall.Scores of people attended the event to collect emergency information handouts, gather some free emergency supplies provided by Puget Sound Energy, try out the earthquake simulator (which, by the way, is eye opening), sign up for volunteer opportunities, and, mostly, ask questions.We spoke to people about the upcoming Wilderness First Responder training, conducted by Remote Medical International. This is the required training for members of the BIEMR Team, and it’s the third training session subsidized by the City of Bainbridge Island to generate team membership.We also explained to Expo visitors how the hub system works and that we will be offering interim medical care at the hubs after a disaster until people can be transported up the chain to the next level of care.Tomorrow between 2 and 4 we will be at Island Church to participate in a hub demo, Day Three of the Three Days of Preparedness. Hope to see you there!